captivated by no one captivated by no one captivated by no one
captivated by no one captivated by no one captivated by no one
live life just the way you are...

Hey Beni fans and welcome to my King of Fighters domain dedicated to Benimaru Nikaido. If you have no clue who Benimaru is, he comes from the game King of Fighters and is usually on a team with Kyo Kusanagi and Goro Daimon. You can figure out more in the biography section. Anyways, this is probably the only English Benimaru shrine around. I haven't found any others. So, as of June 20, 2001 The Fruit of Fighters Benimaru Shrine was born! Enjoy your stay! ^_^

As of January 25, 2003, The FoF has under-gone a new layout! WEEEEE! Isn't it pretty?! ^.^ I wuv it! *hugs computer* I want to thank for this bootyful layout! The designer's link is below with the copyright stuff. Go check it out! It's awesome!


I have just viewed the first episode to KoF Another Day and taken screencaps for you lovely people. You can view the screencaps here.
The Future of this Site: I plan to make a lot of changes to FoF starting in January. Of course I will be adding more questions to Ask KoF you lovely people have submitted, I will also increase the image gallery, add more humor, and reconstruct the main page entirely. I will also post more screencaps of KoF Another Day as episodes come along.

Told you I would update this weekend. ^.~ I have updated the KoF Ask Questions page and the About Me page. I also posted some screencaps for King of Fighters Another Day. Enjoy!
About Links: I have realized that most KoF fan pages are dead. If you know any new or updated KoF pages, please tell me about them so we can swap links. =) You can find my e-mail at the bottom of the page.

It has been nearly two years and a lot has happened during my absence. The KoF games have been released on PS2 and most are doomed to be on X-Box. Also, I hear there is a KoF 4-Episode anime series airing in Japan! I've seen the trailer and I have taken a few screencaps. I will post these screencaps during the weekend. The only thing I've really changed lately is the blog address and I posted the link to my myspace.

About Ask KoF: I have some e-mails still but most were lost in my computer crash. You are still welcome to e-mail me Ask KoF questions because I am reviving this site.

A Capcom vs. SNK role play is in works. If anyone is interested in role playing or has a history of it please join! Frank and I are in the process of making the role play but we will not continue if there is no interest. So please e-mail me if you are interested! Also if you would like to claim your character put that in the e-mail. FYI: Benimaru and Vega are already taken characters. (If that wasn't obvious..)
Thank you and I hope you join the role play!

12/29/03: I have finished answering Ask KoF!!! If I get in more questions I will answer them after New Years.

12/25/03 MERRY CHRISTMAS! Well, it's been over half a year since I have updated, shame on me. But I have just gotten through maybe the most difficult time of my life. Most people that visit the message board understand that I was having a long drawn out problem at home. Mostly everything has been fixed and I can go back to my webpage. Still, I do not know if I will be able to update as much still. I've just been hired to design a domain my boss bought. Isn't that exciting?! Me, designing a web-page domain! Anyway...Guess what I've been working on... Ask KoF!! I think I am almost at 3 pages now! Well, that is all for today. I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.

03/19/03: I know, it isn't like me to never update like this. I've said it before, I am going through some really difficult problems. I'm not sure if Kamui is gone for good... I still catch him lurking around. -_- And no, I haven't forgotten the Ask KoF. I still have all the e-mails saved and I will update as soon as I get the time.
BTW, has anyone read GMR magazine lately? Their latest magazine showed some crazy cosplayers. Two guys, dressed as Kyo and Iori, were fighting by a beach. The Kyo guy actually lit his hand on fire! But, it showed a picture of him running to the beach and dunking his hand in the water. If I can get my scanner to work, I'll post it up here. Yeah.. I promised a cosplay section a long time ago. I still haven't forgotten!!

01/27/03: Mwahahahaha...*lurks* It is me! Kamui...bwahahaha actually I'll be gone at the end of the month but eh...I wont be around that much this month either...anyway moo!!!! o_O ahahahahahhahahaha *scurries away*

01/25/03: A whole new layout. Hope you all like it! Made page two to Ask KoF. (I've been getting loads of e-mails on it! You people are great!) I also made a new section called KoF Buddy Icons. A little present for all you AIM users. I NEED to find a good spot to put my counter... Last I checked I was up to 16,000 visitors!!! I need to think of something big when it hits 20,000...

On a sadder note, our co-owner Kamui has left us...*sniff* It was a short stay but I miss him already!!! *cries so hard the world floods* I've had other people volunteer to be co-owner but I think it'll just be me for awhile. Sorry folks, but I can be very picky when it comes to sharing. Hehehe...

Need a buddy icon for AIM? I might have what you need. Please take a look at my KoF Buddy Icons.

Benimaru and King of Fighters are © of SNK/Playmore. I am making no money off this site so please no sueing. ^.^' Site is owned by Mystina. Layout designed by Miko Reznor.