Proud Parents:

Takari is now the proud parent of Terry and Athena!

Debbie Avila is now the proud parent of Iori and Kyo!

Mina-chanis now the proud parent of Athena, Kensou, Kim, Yuri, Kyo and Shingo!

Takiko Okudais now the proud parent of Benimaru, Chris, K', Kyo, Mature, Shermie and Vice!

Melissa is now the proud parent of Yashiro, Kyo, Iori, Shermie, Vice, Chris, and Mature!

tetsuo20 is now the proud parent of Joe!

SniperQuistis is now the proud parent of Mai, Terry, Iori, Vice, Mature and Kyo!

kyo_kusanagi83 is now the proud parent of K', Kyo, Iori, Shingo, Athena, Yuri, Ryo, Robert, Kim and everyone else!

Justin Goland is now the proud parent of Terry Bogard!

Kaytee is now thr proud parent of Kim, Terry, Billy, Joe and Mai!

Penance is now the proud parent of Yashiro and Iori!

Alaina is now the proud parent of Iori!

joey castle is now the proud parent of Leona!

Brad is now the proud parent of Benimaru!

Dark Star99 is now the proud parent of Yashiro Nanasake!

Miracle is now the proud parent of Iori, Chris, King, Shermie and Benimaru!

Sarah Amaya is now the proud parent of Vice and Mature!

Raijirou Toraneko is now the proud parent of K' and Chris!

Stryfehauk is now the proud parent of K', Benimaru and Terry!

Darkheart is now the proud parent of... them all! ^^;

Ayako Yagami is now the proud parent of Iori, Benimaru, Kim, Chris, Kensou, Yuri and Yashiro!

Shas is now the proud parent of Iori, Joe and Terry!

Samus is now the proud parent of Mai, Kim, Shingo, Kyo and Iori!

Rena-Myuu is now the proud parent of Shingo!

Ragin Lion is now the proud parent of Iori!

Drakonum is now the proud parent of Iori, Kyo, Mature and Shingo!

LaBana 007 is now the proud parent of Athena and Mai!

Angela is now the proud parent of Athena, Iori, Leona, Mature, Kyo and Shingo!

Aquamarine is now the proud parent of Iori and Leona!

Nightwing is now the proud parent of Terry, Kyo and K'!

Mark Patraw is now the proud parent of Joe, Mature and Vice!

Lien Mei is now the proud parent of Kyo, Shingo and K!

xenocyde is now the proud parent of Billy, Chris, Iori, Mature, Mai, King, K', Kyo and Yashiro!

burley thomas is now the proud parent of Kyo and Athena!

Athena Asamiya is now the proud parent of Iori and Athena!

Penny is now the proud parent of Benimaru, Robert, Iori and Kyo!

Shadow Lova is now the proud parent of Clark, Leona and Billy!

Silver 11016 is now the proud parent of Joe Higashi!

Heiki is now the proud parent of Iori, Benimaru, Joe and Terry!

Mario is now the proud parent of Mai and Athena!

kelsey!!! is now the proud parent of Iori, Mai and Shingo!

Sayuri is now the proud parent of Benimaru!

Ellone is now the proud parent of Iori, Athena, Benimaru, and Kyo!

Iori Yagami is now the proud parent of Iori and Athena!

Dante Yamibarai is now the proud parent of Iori and Athena!

Carlos Eugenio is now the proud parent of Iori and Terry!

LoRd Of ThE dEaDs is now the proud parent of Iori Yagami!

Benilover is now the proud parent of Benimaru, Kyo, Shingo and King!

G&P Washu is now the proud parent of Athena, King, Mai and Joe!

Whitney is now the proud parent of Shingo, Kyo and Terry!

Master Kaphwan is now the proud parent of Terry, Kim, Robert and Yashiro!

Whip Y2K is now the proud parent of Iori Yagami!

CaT is now the proud parent of Benimaru Nikaido!